Saturday, October 3, 2015


Animal Jam has made some updates to the Jamaa Journal! Still dunno why they call it a "journal" when it is clearly a newspaper. Anyways, let's get on to the update.

A new limited-time adventure! Sure looks SWEET! Get it? Sweet? Cuz it's about candy? Yes? No? Okay.

The haunted manor den is back! And it looks like they made a few changes to it (the slime, mountain, etc.) And also the phantom vortex is back! I wonder what the new prize will be, hmm...

The spooky party and bats have returned! I do know where the bats can be found, and I will post about that when AJ comes back online because it is offline right now.

A NEW ICON! Now you can play games straight from where you are without having to go all the way to the stupid sol arcade lolz
Also a new shop located in the Sarepia Theater! Yay!

It's wolf awareness week! Make sure you get a wolf to support these pawsome animals! Also it's gonna be world animal day, where you can celebrate animals!

And lastly, pet ferrets are back! I am happy about that because I always wanted a pet ferret but I couldn't get them last time!

And that's the end of this update, goodbye jammers!

~ Slushied

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